Create a QR Code in different ways. Available on Rapid API↗
GET: /qrcode
Generates a QR code
Query parameters:
- data (required): data to encode, typically a URL.
- size (optional): the size in pixels of the QR code. If size is
200, the QR Code will be a square of 200x200. It also supports the strings small (120),
medium (230), and large (350).
- format (optional): default "png". Allowed values: png, jpeg.
- bgColor (optional): background color. Default is white. RGB
6-digit hexadecimal value, for example "FF0000" for red.
- fgColor (optional): foreground color. Default is black. RGB
6-digit hexadecimal value, for example "FF0000" for red.
Example: curl -o qrcode.jpeg -H "x-api-key: YOUR_API_KEY" https://api.apivenue.com/qrcode?data=https://apivenue.com&bgColor=FF8C19&fgColor=1919FF&size=medium&format=jpeg